Updated Projects Page

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We have changed the design of our projects page, hopefully making it easier and quicker to have a glance to all of our projects, and their status. You may also notice that we’ve added a couple of new projects we just started working on. We’ll add them their own page with more details once we mature them a bit, so just teasers for now!

Watchduino Video and Updates

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We’ve made a demonstrational video showing the features of WatchDuino:

We’ve also made major updates to the project documentation, detailing how to build your own. You can look it up in the project repo. We are in the process of refactoring the software to make it more framework-like, so making own your customizations will be a snap. More updates on this soon!

Watchduino Entered on Biicontest 2014

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We’ve entered WatchDuino into the Arduino/Raspberry Pi competition that the folks at Biicode have set up. We expect it to be a good opportunity to give the project some visibility, as well as a good excuse to give the development a little push. We hope that our development efforts for the project will make it more reusable and easy to play with.

Biicode is both a dependency management systems (for now focused for C/C++, but increased support for more languages is planned), and a central repository to hold such dependencies. Check them out!

In the following weeks we will post a demonstrative video showing WatchDuino’s features, and we will improve the documentation. Stay tuned!