A month has passed since we won the Biicode contest with our Watchduino project. And thanks to Biicode and some other blogs around the world, we have received a lot of support for our project, so we would like to do a brief summary and stats about what happened this last month, and who mentioned us in the web.
Results from Biicode were announced on 2014-04-30. We got 15 visitors that day at coconauts.net (powered by our previous blog in Wordpress), and 12 visitors on 24th (voting day perhaps?).
Our marketing team (le me) contacted Hackaday a few days later, and on 2014-05-07 they dedicated us a blog post, along with a nice set of screenshots. Thanks to this publication we received up to 882 visitors on a single day. Also, as this page is a reference for hackers and DIY projects, our Bitbucket repository received a lot of visitors too (428 to be precise), and we even got two forkers and seven watchers.
After being published by Hackaday, other blogs and forums followed, like Gamebuino, the french blog Semageek, Electronics lab and even Atmel’s themselves.
If you want to see more details, like links and mentions, you can have a look at our Twitter timeline.
Because of all this support we got from the Internet and hack community, we would like to continue developing on WatchDuino in the future, and work on a new version (with more features and a better look).